One new thing

Time for a change!!

I’ve decided that each week I want to try one new thing and I’ll do it for the entire week. (In the hopes that I’ll see the benefit (or just get used to it) and add it to my normal routine.)

This week is proper oral hygiene.  So now, every morning and every night I floss, brush my teeth for the full two minutes and rinse with Listerine for the full 30 seconds.  Yippee for you if you already have such a good regime but I did not.  Sure — I’d give my teeth a quick brush twice a day, but that was about it.  And with my tootbrush I have no excuse!  It vibrates every 30 seconds to let you know that you are done with the quadrant you’re working on and vibrates extensively at the end of 2 minutes to reward your hard work.  With a brushing buddy like that, how can I fail?!?

nb: I don’t actually know how practical one new thing each week is — but when I do try something new I will stick with it for a full 7 days.  (Sorry Martin Spurlock…)






One response to “One new thing”

  1. Meghan Avatar

    Hey, good luck! I am always falling off some new habit bandwagon and then climbing back on. Also, I hate flossing but recently (like, in January) discovered those floss sticks and now I floss really regularly (not twice a day, though – more like 4xs/wk) because I don’t have to worry about the whole wrapping fingers stretching mouth out process! I know, I know – the floss sticks are a bit wasteful and not very environmentally friendly but I had to compromise for a healthy mouth because it would be great to have strong, intact teeth in my old age! Anyhoo, just wanted to share…

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