My New Year non-resolutions

Ok — I’m not making resolutions this year as I never stick to them.  (No, tell you what, I’ll make three:

  1. I want to gain weight.
  2. I want to have a baby.
  3. I want to get less sleep.

THOSE should be achievable.

What I am going to list, however, are a few things that I absolutely must do.  These are non-negotiable and absolutely necessary.

1.  Get our finances in order.  Especially with the baby coming we are in some dire straights.  Since our move all of our direct debits are coming out of the wrong account and I’m constantly having to juggle things around with the online banking.  Also, Andrew no longer has Smithers as a client yet we’re still spending money like we have that bit of income.  Within the next four weeks I need to sort out the automatic banking bits, do a full budget and do some forecasting sums for the baby and reduced income.

2.  Get our house in order.  I’m in a crazy nesting mood at the moment but unfortunately that just means I want to buy things like new book cases.  However, due to the above it’s obvious that’s not an option.  Instead, I’m going to “make do and mend” as best I can and I’m starting with the FlyLady program.  I’ve been looking at it for a few years now but never really had the commitment.  I assure you, I do now.  I’m doing the “31 day beginner baby steps” and I’m on day 5.  That being said, I’ve been on day 5 for about a week now.   Andrew and I decided to clean out the garage and a LOT of stuff came into the house that needed sorting.  We’re 99% of the way done now so I should be back on track soon.  This is only going to work if I can do it at my own pace and luckily that’s not a problem!

Wish me luck!






3 responses to “My New Year non-resolutions”

  1. Meghan Avatar

    I didn’t know we had the same goal for 2010…I don’t have a 2nd baby for an excuse, though. I just feel the need to be organized/decluttered because the little man comes with so.much.stuff! We need to find new homes for our stuff (or get rid of the useless) to make room for his stuff. I’m in major, major re-organization mode right now.

    I hear you about the bookshelves. I want to order one, too, but my cheapskate self isn’t letting me in light of the babysitter dilemma. We may decide to incure a short-term loss (“unplanned” money out) with the hopes of long-term gain (me keeping my job).

  2. Meghan Avatar

    ALSO, I tried FlyLady, too. I wasn’t very good at staying with it. So, in the end I adopted some of her methods and found others that work for me. I’ll link a blog that also has great tips.

  3. […] As I explained in an earlier post we’re working hard to get the house in order for the new baby.  I’ve now made an […]

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