Weekly Digest for April 15th

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Lisa has been up feeding for the last hour and a half… Knackered but kid won’t go to sleep. AND we have to be up in an hour and a half to take mom to the airport. 🙁 Mom-going-home day is always a bad one for me. And to top it off, kids need to go see Grandama but since the little one can’t go anywhere without my boob I don’t even get my mourning period.
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Lisa – Mom is gone and I am sad… and exhausted. I actually think the exhaustion is helping me to not be too sad. Whoda thunk?
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Lisa Woohoo! I’ve lost 18.5lbs compared to my PRE-pregnancy weight. Course, I still can’t fit in my old jeans thanks to my water-balloon for a belly but we’ll get there!
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Lisa is sitting in hospital again. Just getting checked over – let’s hope I’m not re-admitted.
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Lisa home again! Have to go see GP at 4 for more antibiotics.
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Lisa Enter to win a Dizzy Daisies coin purse from Ju-Ju-Be here! http://ju-ju-be.com/ju-ju-blog/?p=806.
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Unlocked 63 achievements.
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Lisa What happened to spring? I’m freezing!
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