Why my brother is the smartest guy I know…

Just read an interesting article on The Simple Dollar about price anchors and the mythology of spending and it pointed out that,

According to CostofWedding.com, the average American couple spends $20,398 on their wedding

That is just stupid money.  Compared to this Andrew and I had a shoestring wedding and we still spent a few thousand.  It was a very nice event and I have some amazing photos and wonderful memories but it was still a shit-load of money.

So why is Eric the smartest guy I know?  Because his wedding cost him $0.  Absolutely nothing.  Zilch. Nada.  And yet it was, without exception, the best wedding I have ever been to.

Since Eric and Michele have been together for years instead of asking people for gifts they asked people to go with them to Cancun to get married.  Each person spent around $600 and got a 1 week ALL-INCLUSIVE holiday in Mexico.  About 40 of us went and it was a blast!!  And because Eric and Michele had so many “nights” booked with the hotel they got the wedding and their stay for free.

Admittedly asking your friends and family to fork over $600 is a lot more than $20 for a kettle, BUT the person got a holiday out of it instead of some sugared almonds and prime rib.

(And it was a cracking deal for a holiday!!)

So if I had to do it all over again I would copy them 100% — and if anyone you know is planning on getting hitched I HIGHLY recommend doing it this way!







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