Category: handy tips
Bloody Brilliant – episode 6
Nix the virgin paper Over the years Andrew and I have made many changes to our environmental lifestyle. We still have a huge carbon footprint but it’s certainly smaller than what it was 12 years ago. There have been two changes that we’ve made that have been completely pain free but have made a huge…
Bloody Brilliant – episode 2
There are those things in life that you make, buy or do and you realise it’s amazing and indispensable; and should it ever cease to exist (say, break) you will absolutely purchase, make or do it again. Or perhaps it’s a piece of advice that has impacted your life profoundly… I’m going to write a…
Save money, sanity and the planet… Hat Trick!
So by the wealth of posts you can probably tell that now with breastfeeding at all hours I have loads of time to read up on articles, etc… Lucky you… An article titled “Can You Afford to Go Green?” on the Get Rich Slowly blog had as its biggest suggestion: Here are some inexpensive steps…
Is organic worth it?
When deciding if buying a certain bit of produce is worth it for organic check out this handy (FREE!) table (or iPhone app if you have one).
OMG! Bloody brilliant!!
From 1000 awesome things: #774 Discovering those little tabs on the sides of the aluminum foil box Put your hand up if you’ve ever accidentally yanked the entire roll of aluminum foil out of the box when you were trying to swipe a small slice? My brother, if your hand is up right now, you are…
Fab idea!
Found on apartment therapy: Hidden Storage for the Smallest Spaces Small Space Solutions So can you guess what design dilemma is solved by these two pieces? At only 32 x 22 x 6, they pack a hidden storage punch far beyond their diminutive footprint. In fact, these pieces can dramatically extend the functionality of even…
Why my brother is the smartest guy I know…
So why is Eric the smartest guy I know? Because his wedding cost him $0. Absolutely nothing. Zilch. Nada. And yet it was, without exception, the best wedding I have ever been to.
Have just been shown this website where it tells you what to press to get to a real, live person for hundreds of companies you might call. YAY! USA numbers UK numbers .