Weekly Digest for March 5th

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Lisa has to go to work tomorrow!! Have to catch train at 740 which means I should have been asleep about… 4 hours ago… 🙂 I’ll get used to it again. Oh! Mustn’t forget to pack my lunch!
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Lisa Done early with my first day of work. Actually think I’ll enjoy it more than expected. But that doesn’t helping the low pay and poor hours. Still, one outta three ain’t bad!!!
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Lisa The good news is my 40-minute train ride means I can update my 365 site. The bad news is uploading the photos on a 3G network takes FOREVER! Oh the irony. :-).
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Lisa = Sarah? My first day at work two totally unrelated people called me Sarah. Perhaps that’s what I look like?
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Lisa missed f’ing train, now stuck in f’ing Bexhill for another f’ing hour. Means I’ll be on the train with all the Friday night drunk idiots and won’t get home till 10pm.
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Lisa anyone incredibly fluent in French?






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